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Sumit Kumar

Passionate about Software Development


Hello there! I am Sumit Kumar, working as a Technical Consultant at AptivaCorp. I have completed a B.Tech degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Patna ( IIT Patna ). I have good experience in Data Structures and Algorithms, Python and web development. My tech stack includes C++, Java, PHP, and JavaScript, complemented by frameworks like React, Node.js, and Bootstrap. For backend development, I prefer PHP and Node.js, while my frontend expertise lies in React and JavaScript, paired with frameworks like jQuery. Additionally, I have strong skills in Database Management Systems, SQL, optimizing database performance, and designing reliable architectures.


🚀 Technical Consultant
June 2024 - Present
  • Design and Optimization :   Designed a database for an Intelligent Capture project, streamlining multiple CRUD operations to enhance reliability and performance.
  • Integration:   Developed and integrated APIs tailored to business requirements, implementing custom business logic for optimized functionality.
  • Content Management Integration:   Worked on xECM property integration to seamlessly link document information with content management systems.
  • Process Automation:   Implemented RPM automation to reduce manual tasks and improve efficiency in daily operations.
  • Banking and IT Service Knowledge:   Gained comprehensive experience in ServiceNow, AppDynamics, application monitoring, and desktop support within the banking domain.
  • Product Testing:   Contributed to product development by creating and executing test cases, ensuring quality and functionality through rigorous testing.
🚀 Software Developer Freelancer
Feb 2024 - Aug 2024
  • Successfully delivered multiple projects, including a user-friendly professor appointment platform and a GPS-tracking web platform, demonstrating expertise in developing scalable and intuitive solutions.
  • Contributed significantly to impactful Frontend Development projects, blending technical prowess with creativity to deliver visually appealing and user-friendly solutions.
  • Played a pivotal role in Python development projects, leveraging a deep understanding of the language to create robust and scalable solutions that align with client objectives.
🚀 DSA Teaching Mentor
Performance Cohort
March 2024 - June 2024
  • Orchestrated the creation and implementation of a comprehensive Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) curriculum, ensuring a strong foundational understanding among 150 students.
  • Introduced innovative teaching methodologies to boost student engagement and participation, fostering a dynamic learning environment.
  • Provided tailored mentorship to address the unique learning needs of each student, coupled with the design of challenging practice problems to reinforce practical problem-solving skills.
🚀 Research & Software Developer Intern
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.(ONGC)
May 2022 - Jul 2022
  • Created a website tailored to enable Fire Protection Facilities adherence to OISD 116, 117,and 118 compliance standards effectively.
  • a website for ONGC Technology Meet 2022, Shillong, Meghalaya Onshore Engineering Services.
  • Contributed to the overall planning and discussion on design and implementation.
🚀 Backend Developer
E Cell IIT Patna
Sep 2021 - Dec 2021
  • Developed a user-friendly web application , Startup Portal in NodeJS for Job Posting and Job Application for E – Cell.
  • Implemented RESTful backend web-service in Javascript to get , apply and post jobs for companies and students.
  • Implemented authentication & services like messaging for email services using nodemailer.


B. Tech

IIT Patna


Tanwar Vidhya Niketan School

High School

Nav Chetna High School


Query Disc Ptf.

A user-friendly Query discussion plateform.

Stock Prediction

It's a stock prediction python ml project with Data analysis.

Car Rental Ptf.

User can come on the platform and book their car for rent.

ChatBot Application

AI assistant for Customer Data Platforms

RealTime GPS Tracking

Allow Admin to track user location in real-time

Appointment Portel

System allows students to book appointments with professors

Google Sheets Clone

A React-based Google Sheets clone with basic spreadsheet functionality.

Face Detection

A web app which can detect faces

Hotel Service Review

It's a front-end web-dev hotel review project.